Using Toilet Bowl Cleaners Tablets

How to use Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaners Tablets?

Toilets are an essential part of our lives, but they are also one of the most germ-ridden places in the house. One of the most popular ways to deal with this is to use Toilet Bowl Cleaners Tablets. Many people use Toilet Bowl Cleaners Tablets for the first time. Should I remove the film on the outside of Toilet Bowl Cleaners Tablets? Where is the right place to put the Toilet Bowl Cleaners Tablets?
Today, KIISIISO will tell you the correct way to use Toilet Bowl Cleaners Tablets.

First, how to use the toilet bowl cleaner.

1. Take Toilet Bowl Cleaners Tablets out of the bag, be sure not to tear off the outer layer of the protective film, this layer of protective film can protect our hands from staining, and it will melt when it meets water, so this layer of film does not even need to tear off.

2. Place the Toilet Bowl Cleaners Tablets into the toilet tank lid. It is the lid where the toilet flush button is located, we call it the toilet tank.

3. With the toilet tank lid open, place the Toilet Bowl Cleaners Tablets inside the tank.
Note: Toilet Bowl Cleaners Tablets should be placed away from the outlet of the tank inlet position, never close to the tank outlet and inlet to prevent clogging.

4. Toilet Bowl Cleaners Tablets into the tank, we can see that the blue water-soluble film appeared to open the melting situation, and in the tank began to become blue. Cover the toilet lid, let Toilet Bowl Cleaners Tablets put in the tank fully dissolved, after 10 minutes, we use the toilet to flush you can see all the water pumped out into the blue.

5. Toilet Bowl Cleaners Tablets can not only clean the side basins, it can also clean the water tank, and can also effectively avoid the situation of scaling in the water tank, can make the water tank to the side basins are very clean, easy to solve the problem of cleaning the toilet.

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