Returns and Exchanges

If you are not satisfied with any product that you purchased through an eCommerce Site, you may return it or exchange it subject to the following conditions:

  • In order to request a return or exchange, you must contact our customer service department by following the instructions on the eCommerce Site.
  • In your return or exchange request, you must indicate the specific product with which you are not satisfied, and include your order number, name, and contact information, as well as the reason for your return or exchange request and the new product with which you would like to replace the returned product if you are requesting an exchange.
  • If we accept your return or exchange request, you must initiate the return of the applicable product within 30 days from the date of original shipment.
  • In order to initiate the return of a product, you will need to use a return label that we provide you. Once you repackage the product that you are returning, securely affix the return label to you to your package, and drop off your package at a local post office or courier office, your return or exchange will begin to be processed as soon as we have confirmed receipt of your return. We may not reimburse you for any shipping and handling fees that you incurred in returning any such product.
  • Promptly within receipt of a returned product, a credit will be issued back to the original method of payment if you selected a refund, or the new products that you requested will be shipped to you if you requested an exchange.
  • Please note that a new product for which you want to exchange the returned product may not be in stock. In this case, you will receive a coupon from us to you.
  • If you are making an exchange, new products that are in stock may not equate to an even exchange and there may be a price difference between the new product and the returned product. Any difference in pricing for an exchange will be placed back on the original method of payment. If we are unable to do so, your exchange may not be completed. We may contact you for new payment information or elect to treat it as a return instead.


Some products for which we do not allow a return or exchange, but do allow a refund; meaning all or a portion of the purchase price is returned to you without you providing the item back to us. This may be indicated on the applicable eCommerce Site or may be communicated by our customer service. Typically, products eligible for returns or exchanges are not eligible for refunds. We reserve the right to only issue a refund, or require a return or exchange, in our sole discretion regardless of what an eCommerce Site may indicate. Refunds will not be issued for products that have not been purchased directly through the Site.

Timing: For refund eligible products, you have 30 days from the date of shipment to contact us for a full refund of the purchase price (less shipping and handling fees). Following such 30-day period, no product is eligible for a refund. However, even after 30 days, we encourage you to contact us if you are unsatisfied with a product and so our customer service can improve your experience, which may include providing an exception to this refund policy.

Conditions: Your refund is subject to the following conditions:

  • In order to request a refund you must contact our customer service department by following the instructions on the eCommerce Site.
  • In your refund request, you must indicate the specific product with which you are not satisfied and include your order number, name, and contact information, as well as the reason for your refund request.
  • If we accept your refund request, you will receive a credit to your original form of payment. If we are unable to credit that form of payment, your refund may not be completed. We may contact you for new payment information or provide your refund in another way, such as through your Account.

Processing Times

When you initiate a refund, we will process it within 2 business days and the refund arrival time is expected to be 7-10 days.